Original Song

The People & Music of Southern Alberta & Beyond

Billy Nichol at the Paramount Theatre in Lethbridge – early 70’s (I think)

I vaguely remember this gig at the Paramount. It was one of those theatre gigs that is dead quiet in between songs because of the acoustics ..even if the audience is making noise. I particularly like Dan’s intro to Louise. A bit of trouble with his mouth. 😉 Oh and Louise is specifically for Steve Alexander!

The University of Lethbridge is 50

A few days ago, The University of Lethbridge turned 50 years old and of course, The Lethbridge Herald ran an article on it. So, my friend David Rossiter, who was a photographer for The Herald for years, posted the article on his timeline. When I read it, I was surprised to see that Billy Nichol and The Bogus Boogie Band played for the opening ceremonies. I was surprised for two reasons, one because, damn, it was 50 years ago and two, it was posted as this was in 1972. Now I could have sworn I was in the States in 1972. I will have to dig back on this. It is probably my mistake 🙂

At any rate, I post it here as a matter of interest. Thanks David!

University of Lethbridge Turns 50 Article

The Second Coming of Billy Nichol

Way back in 1979, as best as I can remember, but the boys will correct me if I am wrong, a few of the well known players in the Lethbridge area got together to form a rock & roll dance band. We wanted people to dance and dance they did! We called the band Billy Nichol.

This was not the first iteration of this band, at least the name. Way back in 1967 or 68, there was another band by that name and featured Dan Dubé on piano, Lorin Goshinmon on drums, Dwayne “Dinky” Prosk on bass and myself on guitar. More about that incarnation in another post. This particular group featured Wally Pizzingrilli on bass and vocals, George Klimow on drums, Mark Boh on guitar and vocals, Dave Filchak on guitar and vocals. All of these guys were seasoned pros and a blast to play with.

I had forgotten how hard this band rocked! Good playing and good singing, especially considering the recording process back then. The recording is not bad but obviously there are gliches here and there. But it is fun!


Bloody Winter – Your Time Is Yours

Bloody Winter was a great band from Medicine Hat who we knew about but just did not see that much. They would be described possibly a progressive rock with a smattering of blues thrown in. One thing for sure, these guys could play. I am not sure what happened to them after they went there separate ways. If anyone knows, please send me a message.

The sound is not great but it gives you a decent taste of what this band was all about.

More Studio Demo Tracks

A few more tracks from various recording studios around North America.